Large Xenarthra poster over a dining table. Highly detailed black-and-white print of a very interesting group of animals!



Lions are the only big cats that live in social groups called prides, which can consist of up to 20 members. A lion's roar can be heard from up to 5 miles (8 km) away, making it the loudest roar of any big cat.

Despite being known as the "king of the jungle," lions actually inhabit savannahs and grasslands rather than jungles.

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Not being clever If you want to sell something you should offer what people want. I knew that before I...

At the moment I’m drawing mostly in black and white. Besides that, I started dabbling in coloured drawings again and I find it a nice change and helps me get over moments when I lack motivation. It gets me out of a rut and inspires me to think of different projects I’d like to tackle. Maybe the next big reveal will be colourful animal drawings? 

The tase of freedom came to me during one of the lockdowns, like with so many people. The sudden realisation that there might be another way, outside the normal office hours, away from computer screens, doing something I love.