The Blenny

Sketchy Blenny

Ecsenius stigmatura commonly known as tail-spot-blenny is probably the most adorable of all the blennies. Or at least one of them. That's what this company's logo is based on. Blenny is a name for a group of small fish that live mostly on the sea floor or in rock walls and coral. They can be very shy but are also quite inquisitive. They also tend to have different personalities. 

Behind the blenny is Beni, based in Switzerland. Infected with the travel bug since young age, the main interests are wildlife and nature. Especially the underwater world feels like second home. Beni is also married to a zookeeper, so it's no coincidence that most designs feature animals and plants.

This shop is the creative outlet, the balance to long days in an office. Momentarily run as a side business in the evenings and weekends, it will hopefully one day become more than that.

The drawings are done with black ink (mostly Sakura Pigma Micron pens). A lot of the style comes from the background in technical drawing, especially the black and white minimalist approach and crisp lines. Drawing everything to scale is also something that comes from working in architecture.

Another influence is clearly the love for scientific drawings. These drawings in old books, or pictures from far away places get the imagination going. It’s all about capturing the essence of an object and show what’s special or unique about it.